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Oval cut amazonite in sterling silver on 20-24” adjustable cord.

Amazonite, also known as "Amazon stone," is a semi opaque blue-green variety of microcline feldspar. Amazonite is a mineral of limited occurrence and is present in parts of Brazil, Colorado and Virginia in the United States, Australia and Madagascar.

Amazonite is a mostly opaque stone textured with pale milky-white cloudiness or streaking ranging from light green to greenish blue to deep green/blue. Amazonite's soft and attractive color closely resembles nephrite and jadeite. Amazonite's appearance is very distinctive with its grid-like, mottled, green and white pattern. The color of amazonite is due to the presence of lead within the stone and color variation may exist within a single stone.

Amazonite can form the largest known crystals of any mineral and has been known to be confused with turquoise and jade.

Amazonite in Sterling Sterling on 20-24” blk cord

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